NC Spine Society Issues Action Alert on Certificate of Need

Please note: NCMGMA’s distribution of the following information is neither an endorsement nor a dismissal of the NC Spine Society’s action alert concerning Certificate of Need. We are merely presenting the information as a courtesy to our members and to the healthcare specialties who could be affected by this legislation.

Last week on May 15, the NC Spine Society (NCSS), along with the NC Orthopaedic Association, the NC Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons, and the NC Society of Otolaryngology, participated in a multi-specialty White Coat Day at the Legislature which focused on Certificate of Need (CON) reform. Now we need your help to further extend the impact of these efforts.

We are working closely with CON reform proponents in the General Assembly to expand opportunities for passage this session. Please call or email all the legislators on this target list and ask them to: “Please support Certificate of Need reform for Ambulatory Surgery Centers so that patients can save on skyrocketing healthcare costs and have increased accessibility.”

This is a critical time and key legislators in the Senate and House need to hear from as many physicians as possible. Please let us know when you have contacted the targeted legislators regarding this important issue, as well as any feedback that you receive, by email to Denna Suko,

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